RCL Foods MCC manufacture
Manufacture a new MCC Auto change-over control for two 630KVA Generators, for back-up power
The request from RCL Foods was that we manufacture a MCC panel that can automatically change-over the power from Eskom to the two 630KVA Generators that provide the standby power in the event of a power outtage.
The MCC should be able to handle a load of 2000A, and each Generator can deliver 900A. The MCC comprised of two 2000A CBI Air-Circuitbreakers. One for the Eskom Ultility power feed, One to serve as the Buzbar Breaker to take over the load in the event of Utility failure. The Output from the two Generators are fed into the Buzbar Breaker via Buzbars connected from the two 1600A CBI Air Circuitbreakers that feed the power from the Generators to the Buzbar Breaker.
Each Generator is controlled with a Deep Sea DSE8610 controller. A DSE8660 Deep Sea controller is used to synchronise the feed from the two Generators before switch-over to take the load.
Project completed and delivered successfully.
Power in Numbers